The Call for Presentations for the Open Source Digital Forensics Conference (OSDFCon) ends
on June 1 and we’ve just decided to have one presentation this year from someone who
cannot physically attend the event. If you have a talk that you want to give about a tool
you’ve developed or used, but don’t have the budget to travel to Virginia, then you can
still submit. This is a test to see if we can open the event to more people.
All we need for the submission is an abstract about your software, use cases, or
experiences. Feel free to submit topics that were submitted in past years, but not chosen
from the crowd sourcing.
We’re also looking for more hands-on workshops. A lot of attendees last year requested
more hands on sessions, so if you can give a 3-hour workshop the day before, it would be a
great way to get awareness for your software.