Hello All,
We are writing to announce that we now have public trainings scheduled
in Australia, London, New York, and Virginia! The New York and London
trainings will be selling out soon so we suggest contacting us ASAP if
you wish to attend either of those.
We have also already received significant interest in the Australia
course and have a large notification list for it. Please contact us if
you would like to be added.
Finally, the team is happy to announce that we now have a dedicated
website for training at
For full information on each training and the new website, please see
our recent blog post:
If you want to to learn memory forensics skills from the researchers and
developers behind Volatility then you should consider signing up for one
of our courses. Not only will you leave being an expert in Volatility
and Windows internals, but you will also be able to perform malware
analysis and incident response along side the best in the industry.
Andrew (@attrc)