I am looking at a Red October infection. The malware is svchost PID 464, C:\Program Files\Windows NT\svchost.exe
GMER tells me that the IAT is hooked. See attached.
I wanted to see this with Volatility per the apihooks documentation here
"As of Volatility 2.1, apihooks also detects hooked winsock procedure tables, includes an easier to read output format, supports multiple hop disassembly, and can optionally scan quicker through memory by ignoring non-critical processes and DLLs.
Here is an example of detecting IAT hooks installed by Coreflood. The hooking module is unknown because there is no module (DLL) associated with the memory in which the rootkit code exists. If you want to extract the code containing the hooks, you have a few options: "
I tried apihooks in Volatility 2.1 and 2.2, below is the result
C:\Python27\volatility-2.1>vol.py -f E:\Tests\130115b\Vol\130115b.w32 --profile=WinXPSP3x86 -p 464 apihooks
Volatile Systems Volatility Framework 2.1
C:\Python27\volatility-2.2>vol.py apihooks -f E:\Tests\130115b\Vol\130115b.w32 --profile=WinXPSP3x86 -p 464
Volatile Systems Volatility Framework 2.2
My question is, "what am I doing wrong?" It is probably something simple.
Thanks for the help,