Hey Jamie!
Welcome to the vol-users list. Thank you for taking the time to test
Volatility on so many boxes. I'm sure we can find the root of the issue!
I was just running Volatility on a couple of Linux
boxes and received quite
different results. I have tested this on two other boxes to verify the
results and it seems to be a dual core issue.
That's really strange! I run Volatility on a dual core machine daily and I
haven't had an issue. Has any one else seen this issue? I think there
may be another variable...
$ python -V
Python 2.3.4
This problem is probably related to the fact that your duo machine seems
to be running Python 2.3.4. Volatility requires Python 2.4+.
$ Volatility-1.1.1/volatility pslist -f image.vmem
/home/jlevy/forensic/Volatility-1.1.1/forensics/x86.py:101: FutureWarning:
x<<y losing bits or changing sign will return a long in Python 2.4 and up
I found a link that discusses this problem in Python 2.3:
The above errors on the dual system have been observed
on a dual core laptop
running Ubuntu as well... I was wondering if others have seen this, and if
there is a work around yet?
Can you check the version of python running on the laptop? Is it
necessary for you to use Python 2.3?
Thanks again for the email! If you have any more questions or find any
more bugs, please let us know. By the way, if you are interested I can
also send you a release candidate for Volatility 1.2.2. It has a number
of new features and bug fixes.
Volatile Systems
"emPOWERing investigators"