First off, I should probably say sorry that you picked quite an unstable
time to play with volatility, as we've been actively working on the
profile area, and the way that profiles are registered.
Firstly, could you please update to the latest version (r493), and then
trying running volatility with "-d -d --info" to enable verbose
debugging. That may give you some debugging messages at the very start
which could help in tracking down the problem, and will drop you into a
debugging shell from which you should be able to type "bt" to get a
backtrace and see any python exceptions that might be causing the code
not to register.
Please note that creating a new profile is not enough for all the
plugins to start working with the new operating system. Vista support
is currently very basic, although we are in the process of improving it.
If you'd like to help in making and testing new profiles, you might
want to mention it on the vol-dev mailing list and/or join the IRC
channel, since this is definitely a developer task, rather than anything
that should concern users of volatility...
Mike 5:)