Hi Marian,

That error message seems to relate only to the filename parameter, i.e. the "-f" you've used.
Volatility seems to be telling you that it can't find "test.raw".

Is it definitely in the same folder you're running the command from?
You can specify the full path with the -f switch, for example:

volatility-2.5-standalone.exe --profile=Win7SP1x64 -f C:\path\to\test.raw -v psxview

It's also possible you're using a config file which is over-writing the 'location' setting, but you'd probably know if you were doing that:


On 19 February 2016 at 09:38, Marian Kechlibar <marian.kechlibar@circletech.net> wrote:
Hello all,

I am researching the behavior of the Galileo RCS, whose source codes
leaked in July 2015. I am using volatility 2.5 on Windows 7 and the
instructions given in the blog of Joe Greenwood on 4armed.com.

I downloaded the standalone version for Windows and I run it from the
command line, but it dies immediately complaining about a missing source

volatility-2.5.standalone.exe --profile=Win7SP1x64 -f test.raw -v psxview
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.5
ERROR   : volatility.debug    : The requested file doesn't exist

The system is Windows 7 x64 with SP1, so the profile should be correct.

Python 2.7 is installed in the system, but it should not be necessary
for a standalone version anyway.

Thank you in advance for help!

Best regards

Marian Kechlibar

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