Have you searched for strings in unicode? It seems like that API uses
unicode strings in the background.
If you are using 'strings' from linux/binutils then add '-el' to extract
the unicode ones.
You can also use linux_yarascan against the pid in question, just set
the wide flag, e.g:
python vol.py --profile=... -f ... -W -Y adam1adam2adam3 -p <pid>
Andrew (@attrc)
On 06/04/2017 02:44 PM, Bridgey theGeek wrote:
Hi all,
This is a "what don't I know?" question...
I have a very simple C program:
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
GtkTextBuffer *buffer;
buffer = gtk_text_buffer_new(NULL);
gtk_text_buffer_set_text(buffer, "adam1adam2adam3", 15);
printf("buffer: %p\n", buffer);
return 0;
Then the following to try and locate the strings in memory:
$ strings --radix=d LinuxMint-17.3-Mate-x64-61951b91.vmem | fgrep
adam1adam2adam3 >/tmp/s
$ cat /tmp/s
195393652 adam1adam2adam3
204175816 adam1adam2adam3
851998836 adam1adam2adam3
$ ~/src/volatility/vol.py -f LinuxMint-17.3-Mate-x64-61951b91.vmem
--profile LinuxMint173x64 linux_strings -s /tmp/s
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.6
195393652 [kernel:88000ba57874] adam1adam2adam3
204175816 [kernel:88000c2b79c8] adam1adam2adam3
851998836 [kernel:880032c87874] adam1adam2adam3
Why on earth would the string only be located in Kernel space??
I've been digging into Gtk for quite some time now to try and solve this
and think I understand that in Gtk, text is stored as GtkTextLineSegments.
The memory for a GtkTextLineSegment is allocated via g_slice_alloc and the
actual text copied to the allocated space via an ordinary memcpy (See:
I've proved the text really is here by editing the text in the VMEM file in
a hex editor and then resuming the VM - sure enough the text is updated to
reflect the changes.
I could just about understand the text being in Kernel space AND user space
because perhaps its sent to the X server or something, but it appears to
ONLY be in Kernel space.
What don't I know??
Many thanks,
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