I've run into psscan not providing results but usually not Shimcache too.
On a separate note have you tested mandiants Shimcachemem plugin to see if
that's picking up Shimcache entries?
Also, are you able to parse Shimcache straight from the disks SYSTEM
hive(you mentioned you had disk)?
On May 31, 2016 6:13 PM, "Erika Noerenberg" <erika.noerenberg(a)>
Hello all,
I am analyzing a memory dump and looking at execution in a period of known
bad activity, and have been able to gather quite a bit of information using
volatility. For some reason though, shimcache and psscan return no results,
although all the other plugins I've run (and volshell) have worked fine. I
find it hard to believe that psscan for one can find no _EPROCESS
structures, so I'm not sure what's happening. Also, in the results from the
timeliner, I have several entries with blank shimcache entries like
"macb,---------------,0,0,0,"[SHIMCACHE] "" during times I can
with shimcache entries on disk, so I know something is just not being
picked up.
Any ideas on why shimcache/psscan would produce no results? I'm not sure
about the best way to track down the reason.
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