Hi Andrew,
Just some comments about the "decompiled" code. Usually, it's easier to make it more readable as proper standard C code for the reader - using user defined structures, high-level functions (RtlUshortByteSwap), etc.
I attached an example below for the "stage1" function as an example.
I also name structure as "MYSTRUCT1" when I don't know what they do or "UCHAR u0C[0x10];" when I know the offset (0xC) but don't know what they do either, until I figure out and rename them later. It's quite a useful methodology when working on large project, that's what makes the difference between a human and Hex-Rays :-)
typedef struct _DECRYPTDATA {
UCHAR DecryptionRoutine[0x1f]; // Contains Stage1 code
USHORT EncodedCode[0x900]; // Contains the "encoded" code to be executed
INT i;
// PDECRYPTDATA Input points to the current address. Or the equivalent of &Stage1.
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(Input->EncodedCode)); i++)
Input->EncodedCode[i] = RtlUshortByteSwap(Input->EncodedCode[i]);
// What's following the decryption routine is the encoded code (Input->EncodedCode)
// Soon to be decrypted, by the above routine.
_asm _emit 0xEE
_asm _emit 0xD9
_asm _emit 0x74
_asm _emit 0xD9
// [...]