AFAIK you can't rely on vmware to sync files with live memory.
it uses them mostly to save states when the machine is suspended.
you could suspend, modify, resume but it'll be a slow process.

On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 10:30 PM, Tamas Lengyel <> wrote:
Not sure about VMware but you can do both with Xen and LibVMI (


On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 5:22 PM, A B <> wrote:

This is my first post in this forum, and I am also very new to this website, so please excuse my ignorance.

This is a fantastic project no doubt. 

Now, coming to my questions:

1. Is it possible to run volatility on a running 'live' VM's memory? That is, assuming that I have vmware work station running, can I use the live vmem file as input and get reliavble outputs?

2. If one is possible, then is it possible to generate a breakpoint or get a call back when a particular  memory location is hit? I ask this because, assuming that an executable is loaded in certain pages inside the vmem, and I want to get notified when a particular function of that loaded executable is called, this wuld mean that when the virtual CPU executes the first instruction of that function I need a callback, is that possible?

thanks in advance...


- ab

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