Android Support for Volatility ============================== The following plugins are provided: - android_find_class_instance - android_app_generic All plugins require a valid profile and lime [1] memory dump. The plugins have been successfully tested on the emulator of the Android SDK (API Lvl 15 - 4.0.3) Prerequisites ============= - The Volatility 2.3-devel (or alpha) branch is needed - sqlite3 for caching functionality - TkInter for GUI Detailed plugin description: ============================ android_find_class_instances ---------------------------- This plugin scans the heap of the given app (= a specific dalvik vm) for valid instances of objects. Every identified object is stored in the database under ~/.cache/volatility/.db for later usage. The database is written only once for each dump and PID unless otherwise specified by the optional argument --write_sql_cache which forces an overwrite. For every subsequent execution with the same dump/PID combination the cached data in the database will be fetched and printed out, no additional processing will be done. The mechanics are based on the plugin "dalvik_find_class_instance" written by Holger Macht Usage: python -f --profile= android_find_class_instances -p The PID can be determined by linux_pslist for example and must point to a dalvik vm process. Execution takes between 1 to 3 hours for an average app. Optional argument: --write_sql_cache: a flag to force overwriting of the cache. android_app_generic ------------------- Automatically evaluates every object found by android_find_class_instances. Contained values (e.g. basetypes, Strings etc.) are parsed and stored in the previously mentioned database under ~/.cache/volatility/.db. Additionally all references between those objects are stored aswell. Caching works the same as with android_find_class_instances For displaying the restored data, the optional argument "--gui" can be specified. This will start a small Python GUI containing all data from the database. The GUI cannot be started unless this plugin has been executed at least once before. Usage: python -f --profile= android_app_generic -p The PID can be determined by linux_pslist for example and must point to a dalvik vm process. For the given PID the plugin "android_find_class_instances" has to be run first! Execution takes between 1 to 3 hours for an average app. Optional argument: --write_sql_cache: a flag to force overwriting of the cache. --gui: a flag to start the GUI for displaying the restored data. Must not be specified in the first run! Helper modules: =============== ---------- Helper functions for parsing and caching. -------------------------- Contains functionality of the GUI. --------- Helper functions for handling dalvik vms. Written by Holger Macht (volatility/plugins/overlays/linux/) ----------------------------------------------------- Data structure definitions and extending helper functions. Written by Holger Macht List of affected (modified) and newly created files in Volatility 2.3-alpha ================================================================ volatility/ (modified: lines 75 - 77) volatility/plugins/linux/ (newly created) volatility/plugins/linux/ (newly created) volatility/plugins/linux/ (newly created) volatility/plugins/linux/ (newly created) volatility/plugins/linux/ (newly created, based on version of Holger Macht) volatility/plugins/overlays/ (modified: lines 8 - 26) volatility/plugins/overlays/linux/ (newly created, based on version of Holger Macht) Explanatory Volatility session ============================== [...] = --profile=Linuxx86 -f $ ./ [...] linux_pslist | grep 0xd3d71800 411 10028 Tue, 15 Jan 2013 15:35:21 +0000 $ ./ [...] android_find_class_instances -p 411 SystemClass InstanceOffset Descriptor -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ... 0x409b21e8 0x409cc9e0 Ljava/lang/Class; 0x409b2890 0x409cca28 Ljava/lang/Object; 0x409cc938 0x409cca88 Landroid/content/res/AssetFileDescriptor$1; 0x409b3928 0x409cca98 [C 0x409b30b8 0x409ccac8 Ljava/lang/String; ... $ ./ [...] android_app_generic -p 411 Type InstanceOffset Descriptor Name Value ---------- -------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- ... Object 0x409cbd78 Landroid/text/format/Time; IField 0x4339ce19 Ljava/lang/String; timezone IField 0x409cbd84 I yearDay 10 IField 0x409cbd88 J gmtoff 1091961360 IField 0x409cbd90 I isDst 0 IField 0x409cbd94 I minute 35 IField 0x409cbd98 I month 1083912376 IField 0x409cbd9c I monthDay 0 IField 0x409cbda0 I second 1084014008 IField 0x409cbda4 Z allDay 1 IField 0x409cbda8 I weekDay 0 IField 0x409cbdac I year 3 IField 0x409cbdb0 I hour 0 Object 0x409cbd98 Ljava/lang/String; UTC IField 0x409cbdb8 [C value IField 0x409cbda4 I hashCode 84356 IField 0x409cbda8 I offset 0 IField 0x409cbdac I count 3 Object 0x409cbdb8 [C U,T,C ... $ ./ [...] android_app_generic -p 411 --gui Starting GUI now [1]