Hey Folks,

                I was just reading Gleeda’s blog & CEIC presentation, and was interested to discover that Volatility modules had been written for Linux and Vista. Now I’m wondering why these modules haven’t shown up anywhere I can see them, including in the public view of the SVN repository. After digging for a bit, I did see that they (or at least a modified version of the Linux ones) have apparently been incorporated into the Pyflag distribution, but that just caused me more confusion. If they’re stable enough to release as part of Pyflag, why aren’t they in the public Volatility repository?


                Also, are you expecting to release an ‘official’ update anytime soon? The last update available from the main Volatility page is still 1.3_Beta. Is there some defined list of fixes or features that has to be ready before an ‘official’ 1.3 version is released? Or has that been bypassed, so that current work is really going toward 1.4? Maybe a roadmap section would make a good addition to the main Volatility page. I’m sure there are a lot of people who would be interested in what’s going on.


                                Thanks much (Sorry if I sound like I’m ranting, you guys really have done some awesome work!)




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