

according a hint of Andreas (TNX!!)  I’ve tackled the problem of extracting cached domain credentials from a memory-dump. At the end of my path of epiphany I saw that Volatility already has a plugin doing that:  hashdump.py. Great.


While giving it a try I only got error messages like


Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "volatility", line 219, in <module>


  File "volatility", line 215, in main


  File "memory_plugins\registry/hashdump.py", line 78, in execute

    dump_memory_hashes(addr_space, types, self.opts.syshive, self.opts.samhive, prof)

  File "C:\Micha\Forensics\Volatility\forensics\win32\hashdump.py", line 305, in dump_memory_hashes

    dump_hashes(sysaddr, samaddr, profile)

  File "C:\Micha\Forensics\Volatility\forensics\win32\hashdump.py", line 289, in dump_hashes

    bootkey = get_bootkey(sysaddr,profile)

  File "C:\Micha\Forensics\Volatility\forensics\win32\hashdump.py", line 131, in get_bootkey

    class_data = sysaddr.read(key.Class, key.ClassLength)

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'Class'


From my point of view as a programming noob some type of type declaration is missed.


Or did I miss something? I have applied all the recent patches posted in this list.


The full console dump is attached for kindly being reviewed.



