decompression of hyberfil.sys
by Michael Felber , Steufa Chemnitz, IT-Forensik
Hello all,
I have posted this twice because the decompression issue should be moved to
vol-dev as Aaron suggested.
yesterday Andreas did provide a hiberfil.sys for decompression testing.
Thanks a lot again.
I have processed it twice with X-Ways-Forensics 15.3 SR3 and Volatility
The good news: Both result files are identical.
The bad news: I dont have any clue why the decompression of my case
relevant hiberfil.sys did not properly work with volatility but did with
If anyone other needs a hiberfil.sys decompressed with XWF for testing, do
not hesitate to ask me. We have the most recent releases here. (I am back on
the 29th of July)
I did compare the vol and the XWF-version of my case files but I cant
interpret or explain the differences. What should I look for?
Michael Felber, StA
Finanzamt Chemnitz-Süd
Paul-Bertz-Str. 1
D-09120 Chemnitz
Fon: +49 371 279 446
Fax. +49 371 279 421